Thursday, April 16, 2009

Weeping for Souls - Meet Paul Washer

If you haven't heard or heard of Paul Washer--it's about time. Jeffy Jensen pointed me his direction a few months ago and it has been very helpful and challenging to listen to several of his sermons. Like anyone who is faithful to the Word, he has his enemies. He makes a lot of people angry in the church because he preaches the complete Gospel that often offends religious people. His reliance and emphasis on the monergistic side of regeneration flies offensively in the face of the evangelistic ways of most conservative evangelicals who focus on decisions and "the sinner's prayer." He preaches a true, biblical Lordship Salvation.

Here are two clips that I recommend you watching to get a taste of what I mean. Below are a few sermons I recommend you downloading and listening. Instead of watching "The Office" and "30 Rock" listen to "The Heart of the Gospel" tonight.

Download Washer's "The Heart of the Gospel."

Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church

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