Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sermons are Dangerous Things

George Hebert lived in the early 1600s as an Anglican pastor. He said this about the Sunday sermon [he is not a bad speller, he is using and older English]:
He often tels them, that Sermons are dangerous things, that none goes out of Church as he came in, but either better, or worse; that none is careless before his Judg, and that the word of God shal judge us.

From George Herbert, A Priest to the
or The Country Parson, His Character and Rule of Holy Life, Chap. 7: The Parson Preaching

Do we think this way? I doubt most do. What if every Sunday we came to the preaching of the Word knowing that we will go away different -- either better or worse?

1 comment:

Jonathan Dodson said...

hey daniel,

hope all is well. blast from the past. saw you dropped a comment at Steve's blog on marriage books.

every blessing,

Jonathan Dodson