Saturday, January 10, 2009

Praying for Your Preacher

Please partner with me and Dave as we preach the Word of God. Pastor Dave is preaching tomorrow morning and his sermon is entitled - "Lesson on Prayer from the Saints."

Here are the things I asked you to pray for me in last week's sermon:

1) Pray that I would preach the Word with accuracy. Pray that I would not add to it or leave something out.

2) Pray that I would preach the Word with clarity. Pray that I would be given a gift and I would work hard to make the truth clear and understandable (use of words and language).

3) Pray that I would preach the Word with power. Pray that I would have what the old timers called “unction in the pulpit.” Pray that God would use His Word to bring life.

4) Pray that I would preach the Word with perseverance. Pray that I would not be weary in well doing but faithful regardless of apparent fruitfulness.

5) Pray that I would preach the Word with my life. Pray that my walk would match a faithful preaching of the Gospel.

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